Dr. Frederick Franck, Pacem en Terris, Warwick. NY.
We had the privilege of assisting in a sequence of 25 stained glass windows with Dr. Franck in 1995, in our studios, entitled "The Tao of the Cross", depicting the stations of the cross, and the final "Resurrection Window", shown here. Dr Frank designed and painted the panels, we mixed the vitreous glass paint for him and fired them in our kilns. We then fabricated them into leaded glass panels.
Dea and I also assisted him in a series entitled "The Way of the Ox", which depicts the ancient Chinese fable of the ox herder. They all were exhibited at the Cathedral of St. John the Devine, NYC, the Priory of N.J., and Penn State University, before being permanently displayed in a special cabin on the premises of the Pacem en Terris Sculpture Garden and Meditation Center in Warwick. NY.
Dr.Franck was a renowned writer, painter and sculptor. He wrote numerous books and had dynamic metal sculptures all over the world. He was a delight to work with, and we will always remember Frederick and Closka as dear friends.
joann mannino